(for those of you who don't know, the venue cancelled on us 10 days before the wedding, my dress arrived 3 days before we left for Hawaii, centerpiece vases arrived to Hawaii in pieces, the dessert place we were going to use shut down, the food at the reception got stuck in the oven... they used a pry bar to finally get it out, we ate at like 9:00 and used cell phones for light at the buffet, the wind was out of control, the VW get-away van didn't show up, and that is not even all of it.)
Still, it was one of the best days of my life. Somehow, we managed to laugh at each new disaster, referring to is as "Murphy's Wedding", and none of it would have come together without the help of everyone around us, especially my Mom who worked so hard to make everything perfect for me (and Mama, it really was perfect, imperfections and all). On top of that, how could anything ruin being surrounded by loved ones and marrying your best friend? That's what it's really all about.
I am so honored that so many people, friends and family, loved us enough to spend their time and money to come all the way to Hawaii to share such a special occasion with us. It really means the world to me. I love you all so much, and thanks again for being a part of it.
So without further ado, here is our wedding (all photos by the talented Sarah Yates)

For our ceremony, we wrote our own vows and I highly recommend it. It was funny and sweet and wonderful. I will always cherish them. Also for our ceremony, we had each person in the wedding party choose a small passage to read to us. Some chose verses, song lyrics, poems, and there was even a Dumbledore quote. I loved it (I even have a book of all of them that Cate made me, it is so special).

OK, I have to give props to our incredible DJ, The Flashdance! His talent plus the dancing skills of our guests made for one heck of a party.

I would have never guessed there were so many challenges based on the photos. Beautiful dress, location, set-up. And major props to Sarah Yates for the fantastic photos.
love love love
ok seriously lets go back or just invite theflashdance to your loft :)
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